Try plugging the webcam into another port. It’s also possible that there is a problem with the USB port itself. Simply unplug the cord and plug it back in again, making sure it’s securely attached.

Even the most experienced among us will sometimes make this mistake. If you have an external camera and none of your apps can use the webcam, it’s always worth a shot to make sure that any physical connections are secure. As the system starts, Windows will attempt to reinstall the webcam/camera automatically.
Most of the time Windows will install the necessary drivers when it installs the hardware, but occasionally this will not work correctly. This can mean whitelisting your webcam and any apps/sites that need access to it. If your antivirus program is blocking your webcam, in most cases all you have to do is allow access in your antivirus. Check the settings in your software and contact the manufacturer for more information. It doesn’t want to allow the camera to turn on to avoid unauthorized access. Antivirus software, which is designed to protect your privacy, can sometimes affect the ability of your webcam to work.